Banana and cinnamon cake

Banana and cinnamon are an incredible combination making this gluten and dairy free cake a wonderful choice for your next baking project. Topped with activated walnuts which provide a crunch and texture that compliment the cake, it is an all round amazing recipe which is very easy to make.

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Deliciously warm and comforting


2 ripe banana’s (diced)

2 cups blanched almond meal (this will give a softer cake than regular almond meal)

1/4 cup coconut flour

6 free range eggs (700 g)

1/4 cup raw organic coconut oil

1/4 cup raw organic honey

2 teaspoons organic cinnamon

1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda (Bob’s Red Mill Aluminium Free)

Raw activated walnuts for the topping


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Grease a large loaf tin with coconut oil and line the base with baking paper.
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Place the diced banana, cinnamon and coconut oil in a saucepan and heat gently. Heat until the mix is a lovely brown colour and smells delicious (approximately 5 minutes). Remove from the heat and add the honey. Mix gently.

Place the rest of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and add the warm ingredients to it and mix well with a spatula. Pour into the baking tin and smooth out with the spatula. Top with walnuts, ensuring they are spaced evenly along the cake.

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Place in a pre-heated 180 degree celsius oven and bake until the top is just firm to push. This will depend on your own oven and it is better not to have the oven overly hot as the edges will burn and the centre of the cake will still be runny.
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The cake will be a gorgeous golden colour when cooked.
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Gently remove it from the baking pan and slice.

I hope you enjoy this cake. It is lovely when warm with a rich banana and cinnamon flavour. It is very soft and will freeze well. 

Live & eat mindfully. Gluten & dairy free recipes.