Orange and Poppy Seed Cake

A lovely moist cake which uses whole oranges to give a beautiful flavour and texture. Low in added sugar with the use of Stevia and a small amount of Rice Malt Syrup and the natural sweetness of fresh oranges. A gorgeous cake for a celebration and very easy to make.

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A moist and lovely cake-gluten free/dairy free

This recipe can be used to make cupcakes or one whole cake. To make this cake all of the wet ingredients plus a few extras are mixed together and the dry ones in a separate bowl.

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The wet ingredients plus the poppy seeds


Place these ingredients into one bowl and mix together.

2 whole Navel oranges chopped and blended-skin left on (Navel oranges are so sweet. Just chop them into smallish pieces and place into the blender until a smooth consistency).

3/4 cup filtered water

4 free range eggs

1/2 cup Stevia granules or the equivalent (There are lots on the market. If you use a very concentrated one then add less water to compensate as this recipe is based on adding half a cup of dry ingredient to the mix)

1/2 cup organic coconut oil gently melted

1/3 cup poppy seeds (more or less depending on your preference)

1/3 cup rice malt syrup

1/2 teaspoon organic vanilla essence

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Alternatively place all of the above ingredients in the blender and process. Quick and simple.

In another bowl mix:

2 cups almond meal

1/2 cup coconut flour

1/2 teaspoon Bicarbonate Soda (Bob’s Red Mill)

Add the wet ingredients to the dry ones and mix gently. If making a cake pour the mixture into a greased and lined cake tin. Bake in a 180 degree celsius oven until firm to touch. If making cupcakes place spoonfuls into patty pans as below and keep an eye on them in the oven as the cake will take quite a lot longer to cook than the cup cakes.

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Ready for the oven!
2015-10-07 18.20.45
I added flaked almonds onto the top of this cake for a nice texture.

Let the cake cool in the tin for a few minutes and then place on a cake cooling rack.

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Look at those golden flaked almonds.
2014-07-06 10.07.50
A cute cupcake display. Add some orange pieces to compliment the cupcakes.
2014-07-06 11.01.10
Drizzle the cake with fresh orange juice and freshly sliced Navel orange.

This is a delightful cake with a lovely flavour. Stevia can have a bitter after taste and can take some getting used to. The deal breaker is a lower sugar content for the unusual after taste and this is something that you either like or you don’t. As a now and again treat l don’t mind the Stevia and in this cake the orange flavour dominates and it is a wonderful treat for those of us living on restricted diets.

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2015-10-04 14.31.10
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Live & eat mindfully. Gluten & dairy free recipes.