Pineapple and Cinnamon Cake

A delightful cake with a sensational flavour. Use seasonal pineapple for a natural sweetness in this gluten and dairy free cake. Eat when warm just out of the oven and taste the richness of cinnamon, the golden flaked almonds and a super soft texture from the blanched almond meal.

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2 cups of finely diced fresh pineapple

2 cups blanched almond meal

1/4 cup organic coconut flour

6 free range eggs (600g or 5 eggs for 700g)

1/3 cup organic coconut oil

1/4 cup raw organic honey (or 1/3 cup rice malt syrup)

1 teaspoon organic cinnamon

1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda (Bob’s Red Mill Aluminium free or similar ).

Flaked almonds for the top of the cake

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Start with a fresh pineapple and slice the skin off.
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Remove the core and finely slice.

Place the pineapple, honey, coconut oil and cinnamon in a saucepan and gently heat. Stir well.

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A gentle heat is all that is required.

Add to the rest of the ingredients and mix.

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Add the heated ingredients to the rest of the mixture.
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Place in a greased and lined loaf pan. I grease the tin with coconut oil. Sprinkle a generous layer of flaked almonds on top.

Bake in a 180 degree celsius oven until cooked through and golden.

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Remove from the oven and use a knife to separate the cake from the tin.
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Turn onto a cooling rack.
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Carefully slice with a serrated knife.

This is a gorgeous cake eaten warm. The pineapple has a most gorgeous flavour and the cake is lovely and soft. Freeze any portions that are not eaten. I wrap them individually with cling wrap and place in an airtight container. Place in your lunch box for a delicious snack during the day.




Live & eat mindfully. Gluten & dairy free recipes.