Walnut and Sweet Potato Cake

A really lovely cake with the sweetness of sweet potato and the goodness of so many natural ingredients. Gluten, dairy and processed sugar free and very easy to make.

2015-05-16 09.13.23
A perfect treat for morning tea.

I like to have snacks ready so that when l am working l can just grab them from the freezer and quickly pack my lunch box. This cake is a great lunch box filler as you can pack it frozen and it is ready to eat when needed mid morning or at lunch time. You can easily double the recipe if you are having a cook up and you can substitute the nuts with another kind or swap the sweet potato to something like pumpkin or carrot. This recipe cuts well and when the cake is cool l cut it with a serrated bread knife and wrap each piece individually with cling wrap and freeze.

2015-05-16 09.16.20
A firm cake that holds together well.


2 cups organic almond meal (keep this in the fridge)

1/4 cup organic coconut flour

5 large eggs (700 grams) (These should also be kept in the fridge)

A generous 1/4 cup organic coconut oil

A generous 1/4 cup raw organic honey (or organic honey)

1 teaspoon organic cinnamon

1 teaspoon Bicarb Soda (Bob’s Red Mill Brandon is good)

1/2 cup walnuts (this measurement is when they are whole and not ground). Process these in the food processor until in small broken up pieces.

1 cup grated sweet potato (This measure is the sweet potato loosely filling the cup)


Place all of the dry ingredients in a bowl. Place the eggs in another bowl and whisk. In a saucepan warm up the coconut oil and honey until a liquid. Let cool.

2015-05-16 09.14.06
Everything is ready to be mixed together.

Add the liquid to the egg mix then add the grated sweet potato and walnuts. Now add this mix into the bowl with the dry ingredients and stir until combine.

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Use a spatula to combine all of the ingredients. Look out for the lumps of coconut flour and squash with the spatula.

Place in a greased square or rectangular metal or glass baking dish which has the base lined with baking paper. I grease the inside of the baking dish with the organic coconut oil.

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Greased and lined.
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Smooth the top with a spatula.

Bake in a 160 Degree Celsius oven until the outside of the cake is golden and the middle firmish. Don’t let the cake burn but the outside will be quite darkish brown when done.

2015-05-16 09.15.21
Let the cake cool in the tin for a few minutes. Cut around the edge with a knife to separate the cake from the baking dish.
2015-05-16 09.16.20
The edge pieces are nice and crunchy. Use a serrated knife when cutting for the best results.

This cake is lovely warm, but also freezes well. If you like it you can multiply the ingredients and make several so that they are on hand when needed. You can freeze them whole or in single slices and it is surprising how lovely the organic coconut oil is in baked goods and the cake still has a sweetness to it even though it has only a small amount of honey in it.

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Live & eat mindfully. Gluten & dairy free recipes.