Potato salad

Cold potatoes are all the rage in Paleo land. A source of resistant starch and tasty! Indulge with this delightful salad creation. Enjoy as a side dish or meal on its own.

2016-05-03 17.16.47
Cold potato salad


A generous 1kg of medium to small potatoes (I like the red skinned ones).

2 stalks of celery (washed and finely sliced)

2 stalks of spring onion green tops finely sliced

A handful of mint (washed and diced)

1 cup of raw walnuts roughly chopped

Pink rock salt (Celtic sea salt or similar) and black pepper

2016-05-03 17.19.35
Some nice fresh potatoes

Wash your potatoes and steam until just soft. Let cool and then place in the fridge for 24 hours. This is an important step as this is how the resistant starch is formed.

You need a big bowl at this point to place the ingredients in. I like to use a large stainless steel one and then place the salad in a nice bowl when it is made.

Dice you potatoes into small cubes. The size is up to you. Place in the bowl with the celery, spring onion, mint and nuts. Add in a generous sprinkle of salt/pepper then mix. Have a taste to see if there is enough seasoning. I like to leave this salad as is, but you could add your favourite dressing at this point.

Serve as a side dish or eat as a main on its own. Enjoy!

Live & eat mindfully. Gluten & dairy free recipes.