Raw Cashew and Chocolate Slice

A raw chocolate, coconut and seed slice that is quick to make and free of gluten and dairy. Using the natural sweetness of organic maple syrup and filled with lots of wholefoods goodness with the main ingredient being raw cashews.

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Ingredients: (all organic where possible)

250g raw cashews

1/2 cup coconut oil

1/3 cup maple syrup

1 cup coconut flakes or shredded coconut

1/3 cup sesame seeds

1/3 cup chia seeds

1/4 cup raw cacao

Extra sesame seeds for the top and bottom of the slice


Place all ingredients in the food processor with the chopping blade. Pulse until well combined.

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Looking delicious.

Use a small rectangular baking tray and generously line with baking paper so it hangs over the edges. Sprinkle the paper with sesame seeds.

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Carefully place the mix on top of the seeds and smooth using your hands as it is quite sticky.
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Sprinkle more sesame seeds over the top and gently push into the mixture.

Place the tray into the freezer for an hour then lift the whole slab out of the tray by holding the edges of the baking paper.

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Ready to slice and eat.

This is a very sweet and satisfying slice. Keep in the freezer to have when something chocolate is required. It is high in healthy fats and a treat to eat mindfully or on special occasions. You can use a different sugar such as honey or rice malt syrup and could also substitute the nuts if you don’t like cashews. If it is a harder nut then pulse it first to break down as cashews are very soft.

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Live & eat mindfully. Gluten & dairy free recipes.