Tag Archives: legumes

Baked bean, leak and flaked almond medley

A delicious side dish that is sure to become a favourite. An unusual mix which can be eaten on its own, in an omelette or with a range of other vegetable and meat ingredients. 

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I am thanking the team at Peninsula Fresh Organics in Baxter for this dish as they are the ones supplying me with amazing fresh produce that l have to admit l may not otherwise have tried. My first go at eating broad beans was a magnificent success and very popular with the family. I admit to googling how to prepare the broad beans and spent a considerable time along with my daughter peeling off the pod and second skin. Combining them with the other ingredients was kind of like eating them in disguise but the result was magnificent.


Green beans (sliced)

Broad beans (depodded and second skin removed then roughly sliced)

Leak (finely sliced)

Flaked almonds

Coconut oil

Pink rock salt

Black pepper

This may frustrate you but l am not putting exact quantities as this is really a throw together and see what happens kind of a dish. Here is a guide: A large handful of raw whole broad beans and the same of green beans, a handful of flaked almonds or more if you love them, a couple of inches of the whitish part of the leak and oil plus seasoning as you like. Give it all a mix and place in a baking dish.

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Place in a 180 degree celsius oven and bake until just turning golden.
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I served this with a whole range of other veggie dishes: Baked kohl rabi chips, golden beetroot, a healthy salad and kohl rabi greens baked in the oven.

I also had this mix in the centre of an omelette and my daughter especially loved it on its own a couple of days later when l just gently reheated it in a saucepan.

A lovely combination of flavours and a new adventure in my world. I know what you are thinking. Green beans and broad beans are legumes and not Paleo. That may be so but they are a whole food and although l only eat them now and again, if they arrive in my seasonal, local, organic and whole veggie box l am going to eat them!

I hope you enjoy the recipe and don’t forget my new podcast at http://www.thewellnessbuzzpodcast.com.

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