Tag Archives: coconut

Green tea with lemon and coconut oil

Start your day with a warming tea that is satisfying, calming, alkalising and filling. An all natural drink that will help support your wellbeing, kick start your metabolism for the day and support the detox systems within your body. Not such an unusual flavour combination once you taste it and the inclusion of the coconut oil helps you to feel energised for hours. A great way to care and nourish your body at the start of a busy day. 

2015-06-16 07.17.08
Simple and quick to make on a busy day.


A good quality green tea of your choice

Filtered Water

A fresh lemon

One teaspoon Organic Coconut Oil

Your favourite Mug

2015-06-16 07.11.49
Simple and natural ingredients

Fill your mug with freshly boiled filtered water. Place the tea bag in and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Remove the tea bag and add the juice of a small lemon and the coconut oil.

2015-06-16 07.12.50
Adding the lemon using my favourite kitchen gadget.
2015-06-16 07.13.58
Just a small teaspoon of coconut oil.

Gently stir the coconut oil into the drink.

2015-06-16 07.14.26
The coconut oil will slowly melt.
2015-06-16 07.14.54
Stir the drink gently with a spoon until the oil has melted. Sip slowly and enjoy. Once the drink is 2/3’s gone fill the mug with more hot water and enjoy another cup that will still be fragrant but not quite as strong.

This is a really soothing and lovely drink that will sustain you for many hours so you can enjoy a late breakfast and focus on doing other things when the mornings are so busy. Drink this tea mindfully and think about the goodness that is going into your body and plan the day ahead of you.

Baked pumpkin with passionfruit, mint, lime and coconut

A sweet and delicious flavour combination and a lovely addition to any meal. Mint, passionfruit, lime and coconut work well with the pumpkin and as it bakes the flavours gently work together to create a gorgeous sweetness. 2016-06-12 20.04.17


The quantity you make is completely up to you and the size of a family. This recipe is based on a generous 1/4 of a pumpkin.

Fresh pumpkin (skin removed and chopped into small pieces)

Fresh passionfruit pulp (one whole)

Fresh mint (one small handful washed and finely chopped)

Fresh lime juice (one small)

Coconut oil (one tablespoon for cooking)

2016-06-12 17.07.02
Gather your ingredients
2016-06-12 17.11.56
Place the diced pumpkin, oil, mint, lime juice and passionfruit into a baking dish. I used a glass one so no need to line or grease.
2016-06-12 17.57.31
Baked in the oven until golden and soft. Give a turn over half way through the cooking. Use an oven of around 180 degree celsius and leave uncovered when cooking. It will take approximately 40 minutes to cook but every oven is different.
2016-06-12 20.01.54
Served here with baked lamb chops, veggies and salad.

A gorgeous and sweet vegetable dish which is a lovely addition to any meal. 

Enjoy my wellness podcast! So many amazing interviews with Wellness Advocates and Champions.

2015-07-05 19.58.13


Rustic Apple Crumble

A delicious dessert for those nights when something sweet is needed. Lots of natural flavours and ingredients combined to re-create an old favourite and something of a comfort food. 

2014-08-21 20.01.40 - Copy
A sweet and comforting dessert.

#apple #coconut #honey #almond #cinnamon #yum

2014-08-21 18.59.31
Once you have peeled and sliced the apples this dish takes just a minute to put together.

Ingredients/Method: Everything organic if possible.

Apples: I used four small apples but if they are very large just use two. It really depends on the size of the dish and your family. I peel the apples because of the horrible waxy coating but you could leave the skin on if they are from your own tree as an example. Core and slice the apples and place randomly in a baking dish. I used a smallish oval ceramic dish but most dishes will work well.

Coconut flour: Sprinkle 1 tablespoon over the apples.

Coconut flakes: Add 1 generous tablespoon over the apples.

Cinnamon: From one teaspoon to one tablespoon depending on how much you love cinnamon

Almond meal: Sprinkle 2 tablespoons over the apples (you could rub in the coconut oil here if you want)

Flaked almonds: Sprinkle a generous hand full over the dish. There really isn’t a limit as to how much you can put on as they go a lovely brown colour and add some crunch.

Coconut oil:  A generous teaspoon over the entire dish. Just put little bits all over the top and you can use more if you want an extra coconut flavour or you could rub it into the almond meal before you add it.

Honey: Drizzle  one teaspoon to one tablespoon of raw organic honey (or similar sweetener) over the whole dish. I would add one teaspoon of the honey but those of you with a sweeter tooth may like more.

2014-08-21 19.13.45 - Copy
Ready for the oven. Just layer all the ingredients on top of each other.

Cooking instructions:

Cover the dish with aluminium foil and placed in a 180 degree pre-heated oven for about 20 minutes. Remove the foil and cooked until the top is golden and looking delicious.

2014-08-21 20.03.45
I had this plain but you could top it with a healthy ice-cream or fresh fruit.

The serving looks quite small in the photo but it is a sweet dish and l was completely satisfied after eating this. The recipe could easily be adapted by using different fruits such as peach or adding some berries to the apple.

If you have enjoyed this post please share with a friend. You can follow me daily on Instagram at holistic_paleo and don’t forget to have a listen to my new Wellness Podcast.

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I am also now and affiliate for two great companies and have both of their products: Click on the images to see more.

froothie 9400
I make sauces and smoothies mostly in my high speed blender.

2015-10-04 14.31.10

Coconut Delight

A delicious raw and frozen chocolate and coconut treat with the added flavour of Acai Berry Powder. Completely gluten and dairy free and made from just a few simple ingredients.

2015-07-12 13.29.58
This has added Acai Berry powder but this can be left out if you want the middle to be a white colour.
2015-08-30 11.31.22
This is how it looks without the Acai Berry powder


1 cup shredded coconut

1/2 cup coconut oil (solid)

1 heaped tablespoon Acai Berry Powder (optional)

1/4 cup Rice Malt Syrup (if you use honey just reduce the amount. Sweetness is personal but try half the amount and add more if it isn’t sweet enough for you!).

Place all ingredients in the food processor (chopping blade) and process until smooth.

2015-07-12 13.26.52
The Acai Berry powder adds a nice burst of colour but leave it out if you want a white mixture.
2015-08-30 10.39.32
This is how it looks without the Acai Berry powder. I used honey in this batch which is sweeter so just reduce the amount listed in the recipe by up to half.
2015-07-12 13.27.16
A smooth mix.
2015-08-30 10.41.31
Creamy white without the Acai Berry powder

Line your dish/pan with baking paper.

2015-07-12 13.30.18
Line your dish/pan with baking paper. This is quite a small square pan so l used two strips to line it so the corners were neat.

Use a spatula and put your mix into the dish/pan.

2015-07-12 11.06.54
Smooth out evenly.
2015-08-30 10.45.24
I made a double batch here and used a larger pan.

Place in the freezer for about an hour.

Chocolate coating:

1/2 cup coconut oil

2 tablespoons cacao

1/4 cup Rice Malt Syrup (Less if you are using honey)

1/4 cup shredded coconut

Gently melt the coconut oil and when coolish add the other ingredients to it. Stir to make a nice mixture.

2015-07-12 13.28.24
Everything is ready for the next step.
2015-07-12 13.28.04
Once the slice is firm, remove it from the freezer and slice with a very sharp knife. The size of the pieces is up to you.

Place a few pieces of slice at a time into the chocolate mix and coat. Quickly pick up with your hands and place on a cooling rack.

2015-07-12 13.29.14
Just add a few pieces at a time.
2015-07-12 13.29.33
The chocolate dries very quickly as the slice is cold.

Have a taste test and then place the slice into the freezer in an air tight container. Enjoy this lovely treat.

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My new Podcast has been launched. Please follow me on iTunes or Sticher and leave a review and rating.



Raw Superfood Slice

A creamy and satisfying raw and frozen slice which has a very high healthy fat content and is flavoured with the amazing Acai Berry Powder. This is a great grab and go snack and is just bursting with flavour and nutrition. The raw mixture when freshly made is a heavenly snack all on its own and tasting it is one of life’s pleasures.

2015-03-20 13.51.43
Extremely delicious and easy to make.

I like to activate my nuts to remove the anti-nutrients but it isn’t essential. I try to do it if l can especially for the almonds but if you are just having a small amount then you can use the raw nuts that you have.

Making the Slice:


2 cups of raw activated nuts. Use a hard nut such as almonds.

1 1/2 cups raw activated cashews

1 cup of organic coconut oil

3 level tablespoons raw organic honey (Buy the best you can).

2 generous tablespoons Acai Berry Powder (This can be substituted for another Superfood powder or raw cacao).

2015-03-20 13.52.30
This powder is great in smoothies as well.


Add the almonds to the food processor (chopping blade) and process until it resembles almond meal. Add in the cashews and process. Now add in the Acai Berry Powder, honey and coconut oil (soft, chopped into small pieces or gently melted depending on the weather). I tend to just use the coconut oil hard and chop it into pieces as l like small clumps in the slice. You can also run the jar under some warm water just to soften it a bit rather than heating. Process until well combined and then place the ingredients in a dish generously lined with baking paper and smooth out with a spatula.

2015-07-10 12.56.32
Nicely blended.
2015-07-10 13.04.20
I didn’t use baking paper for this batch and it was hard to get out of the dish.

Place in the freezer to set for a couple of hours then slice into portions and return to the freezer.

2015-03-20 13.49.38
Smaller slices are better.
2015-03-20 13.50.35
Have a piece or two and enjoy.

As this slice has a high healthy fat content it does soften quite quickly when at room temperature and l prefer to eat it straight from the freezer.


Lunch box bars

These are delicious lunch box bars that are raw, frozen and highly nutritious. With the help of a food processor these are so quick to make with just a few simple and natural ingredients. This recipe can also be made without a food processor but the mix may not hold together as well and be more like a trail mix. 2015-07-02 12.08.18

 Into the food processor (chopping blade) place: 

1 cup pumpkin seeds

1 cup sunflower seeds

1 cup sesame seeds

1 cup coconut flakes

1 cup chia seeds

1/4 teaspoon sea salt.

2015-06-23 16.07.56
Nicely broken down

Other ingredients:

1 cup organic coconut oil

1/2 cup raw organic honey

2015-06-23 16.09.00
Place your coconut oil in the saucepan. If it is hot weather the oil will already be either soft or a liquid so you won’t need to do this step.
2015-06-23 16.11.24
Gently melt the coconut oil
2015-07-02 11.17.45
Add the oil to the dry ingredients and then add the honey. Mix well. You may need to gently warm the honey but don’t melt on a high heat as this will damage the nutrients. I often just place the jar under warm running water.
2015-06-23 16.17.00
This pan is a good shape and size.

Place the mix into a rectangular baking tray and even out with the back of a spoon. You can line it with baking paper or if you are using a metal tray like this one can just tap the bottom to remove it when frozen. Ensure it is pressed very firmly. I like to cut the mix into bars at this point but you can also do it later when the slab comes out of the freezer. If you do it now then when frozen the pieces just snap apart, whereas later you will slice the slab with a knife.

Place into the freezer for about an hour and then either snap the pieces apart of slice. Return to the freezer and eat as desired. So delicious.

2015-07-02 11.25.41
I cut this batch after they were frozen. Slightly messy but you get to eat the crumbs.
2015-07-02 11.26.42
Nicely cut into bars

I have now launched my new podcast and would love you to subscribe on either iTunes or Stitcher. Please also leave a rating and review. 

Click on the picture to subscribe.
Click on the picture to subscribe
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A proud moment launching my own podcast.

Raw organic blueberry and coconut tart

This is the most delightful raw tart with an extraordinary colour from the organic blueberries. Completely gluten, dairy and processed sugar free and so simple to make with the aid of your trusty food processor. Keep it in the freezer for those unexpected guests or just to have a slice as the need arises. 

2015-07-01 16.52.12
#decadent #rich #creamy #musthave

You need a baking tin with a base that is separate to the edging for this tart so that you can take off the edges, cut the tart and leave it on the base to store. Grease well with coconut oil. I use one with a decorative edge so it gives the tart a nice look.

2015-07-01 12.45.18
Organic blueberries are a must and worth the extra expense. This is one product where buying organic makes sense due to possible contamination.


In the food processor (chopping blade) place 1 cut of raw activated almonds (or similar), 1 cup of shredded coconut and 8 medjool dates (seeds removed). Process well then place into the greased dish and press down firmly with the back of a spoon.

2015-07-01 13.24.23
A firm base is required.


Into the food processor (chopping blade) place:

1 ripe avocado (large)

1 cup of organic blueberries (organic is a must due to possible contamination)

1 cup of raw activated cashews

2 teaspoons of raw honey (More nutrients than regular honey and a lower GI)

1/2 cup shredded coconut

1 teaspoon cinnamon

4 medjool dates (seeds removed)

2015-07-01 13.21.37
Ready to be mixed.
2015-07-01 16.48.55
Process well and watch the colour develop. Mix until smooth.
2015-07-01 16.49.25
Pile it on top of the base and smooth out evenly with a spatula. Place in the freezer to set for a few hours.
2015-07-01 18.41.54
Slice it into pieces and keep in a container so you can quickly grab a piece or keep the whole tart in the freezer for those emergency situations. Decorate with your favourite berries and coconut flakes.

My new Wellness podcast has launched this week. You can subscribe to it on iTunes on your iPad or iPhone by downloading the Podcast App. I would love your support and leaving me a 5 star rating if you like the show will help me to climb the charts.


You can also listen on my new Website at http://www.thewellnessbuzzpodcast.com

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You can also follow me on Instagram at holistic_paleo and l now have a new Facebook page called Gluten Free Central.

Raw Mandarin and Coconut Slice

A delightful raw slice made from mostly healthy fats with a hint of mandarin and coconut. Keep this in the freezer and grab a piece when you are on the go or just feel like a completely satisfying snack.

2015-06-29 16.23.34
A delightfully fragrant raw slice.


2 cups of raw activated almonds

1 cup of organic coconut oil

2 cups of raw activated cashews

3 tablespoons raw organic honey

1/2 cup shredded coconut

The peel of two beautiful fresh in season mandarins.

2015-06-29 14.23.15
So easy to make and the mixture is delicious just like this.

Place the almonds in the food processor with the chopping blade and process until well broken down. Now add the coconut oil and chop it into small pieces or gently melt. The mix should be looking moist now. Process until you can see the mixture looking moist as the fat comes out of the nuts. Now slowly add the cashews and process followed by the rest of the ingredients. Everything should be well broken down and a quick taste test will ensure you have a good balance of ingredients.

Place the mix in a baking dish lined with baking paper. and even out with a spatula. Place in the freezer for about an hour.

2015-06-29 17.13.43
Just lift the firm slice out of the dish by holding onto the edges of the baking paper.

Carefully slice into single serves and place into a suitable container to store in the freezer.

I hope you enjoy this slice which uses whole foods and in season mandarins as the inspiration.

Please follow me on Instagram at holistic_paleo and l now have a new Facebook page called Gluten Free Central to compliment my other two pages at Holistic Wellness For Life and Primal Living Melbourne. 

Green tea with lemon and coconut oil

Start your day with a warming tea that is satisfying, calming, alkalising and filling. An all natural drink that will help support your wellbeing, kick start your metabolism for the day and support the detox systems within your body. Not such an unusual flavour combination once you taste it and the inclusion of the coconut oil helps you to feel energised for hours. A great way to care and nourish your body at the start of a busy day. 

2015-06-16 07.17.08
Simple and quick to make on a busy day.


A good quality green tea of your choice

Filtered Water

A fresh lemon

One teaspoon Organic Coconut Oil

Your favourite Mug

2015-06-16 07.11.49
Simple and natural ingredients

Fill your mug with freshly boiled filtered water. Place the tea bag in and let it sit for about 5 minutes. Remove the tea bag and add the juice of a small lemon and the coconut oil.

2015-06-16 07.12.50
Adding the lemon using my favourite kitchen gadget.
2015-06-16 07.13.58
Just a small teaspoon of coconut oil.

Gently stir the coconut oil into the drink.

2015-06-16 07.14.26
The coconut oil will slowly melt.
2015-06-16 07.14.54
Stir the drink gently with a spoon until the oil has melted. Sip slowly and enjoy. Once the drink is 2/3’s gone fill the mug with more hot water and enjoy another cup that will still be fragrant but not quite as strong.

This is a really soothing and lovely drink. You will need to be close to a toilet as it does go through your system quite quickly. It keeps me sustained for many hours so l can enjoy a late breakfast and focus on doing other things when the mornings are so busy. Drink this tea mindfully and think about the goodness that is going into your body and plan the day ahead of you.

You can follow me daily on Instagram at holistic_paleo and on Facebook at Holistic Wellness For lIfe and Primal Living Melbourne. 

Raw Peppermint and Chia Seed Slice.

This is the most amazing raw Paleo treat and my first adventure into the world of peppermint. Imagine the combination of a chunky base, a smooth creamy peppermint flavoured middle and a rich layer of chocolate on top. The combination is decadent yet completely gluten and dairy free. 

2015-05-29 19.23.45
Completely delicious and made from all natural ingredients

A food processor is required for this recipe and if you are super organised you will have soaked you cashews for a few hours in cool water. If not, don’t worry as it just makes the middle section creamier. There are three layers so start at the bottom and just work your way up.

First of all find a suitable pan or baking dish. It can’t be too large or the bottom layer will be very thin. Be guided by how much of the bottom mix you had. I used a smallish square tin and it was perfect. The middle layer is quite high so if you want a smaller middle layer just halve the recipe. Line the tin with baking paper so there is a generous amount above the tin and this is important as when you pour the chocolate layer on top it is very liquid and needs to be held in place.

Bottom Layer

Place into the food processor:

1 cup of raw activated almonds (or similar)

1/2 cup of shredded coconut

2 tablespoons coconut oil (l didn’t melt mine but you could gently do this).

8 medjool dates deseeded.

2015-05-29 17.08.51
Ready to be processed
2015-05-29 17.10.46
Pulse until an even texture is achieved

Place this mix into your pan and press down firmly with the back of a spoon. Make sure the layer is even.

Middle Layer

Into the food processor add:

1 tablespoon black chia seeds

250g raw cashews (soaked or not. It will still work out either way)

1 good sized avocado (skin and seed removed)

1/4 cup shredded coconut

1/2 cup coconut oil

1/2 cup rice malt syrup

1 1/2 ml peppermint oil for a medium flavour or 2 ml for a strong flavour.

2015-05-29 17.25.48
Just real ingredients. I didn’t melt my coconut oil but you could.
2015-05-29 17.22.23
Use peppermint oil made for cooking and not essential oil. This is very important. 
2015-05-29 17.34.26
Mix well until creamy!

Place on top of the bottom layer and spread out evenly.

Top Layer

Into the food processor place:

2 tablespoons of rice malt syrup

2 tablespoons of raw cacao

2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil

1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence

Pinch of sea salt

2015-05-29 17.44.57
Give it a quick mix. Its a bit messy.
2015-05-29 17.46.32
Pour onto the top of the other layers. This is where having enough baking paper is important.

Place into the freezer for several hours. Overnight is best as it is quite thick.

2015-05-29 18.17.03
Getting it out of the tin was a challenge so using a tin with a bit of give worked well as l could move the edges a bit to loosen. I think a ceramic dish would work better though.
2015-05-29 18.19.01
Slice into small pieces and serve some and freeze the rest. It makes an enormous number of portions and great to keep in the freezer as a go to snack. 
2015-05-30 09.23.46
Imagine serving this to your friends or family. They will think you are so clever.

The three layers work together so well and eating a treat that is made of all natural and whole foods is such a joy.

You can follow me daily on Instagram at holistic_paleo or on Facebook at Primal Living Melbourne or Holistic Wellness For Life. 

Raspberry and Chocolate Tart

A delicious frozen dessert with a stunning colour and flavour. This raspberry and chocolate tart can be eaten straight from the freezer where it will be firm and cool, or at room temperature where it is quite soft but holds together and has a really creamy delicious taste. You could also just eat it freshly made as the frozen berries give it a wonderful coolness and texture.

2013-12-26 09.40.56
Such a colourful platter.

This tart can be made ahead and kept in the freezer. Just keep it on a firm base and cover it in cling wrap. On the day it is required just remove it from the freezer and decorate, or slice it and keep it in the freezer to have as a snack.

2014-07-03 07.44.07
The tart is paired here with a delightful chocolate mousse, fresh strawberries and Loving Earth Raw Organic Dark Chocolate.

I used a round baking tray with a decorative edge that had a removable base. I greased the inside of the tray with organic coconut oil and then made the base.

In the food processor l placed:

1 cup of activated almonds (the original recipe said hazelnuts), 1 cup of desiccated or shredded coconut and 8 large medjool dates (remember to take out the seeds).

Blend well in the food processor and then press firmly into the pan. Place this into the freezer to set while you make the filling.

2015-05-22 11.39.36
The pan is greased well with coconut oil.
2015-05-22 11.39.19
Use a spatula to spread the base and to push it down so it is flat and firm.

In the food processor blend together:

1 ripe avocado, 3 heaped teaspoons of cocoa or cacao, 3 tablespoons of organic coconut oil and 1 cup of medjool dates (Approximately 10 dates with the seeds removed). Once combined add 1 really generous cup of frozen raspberries and gently pulse through the mix so they are roughly chopped up or blend thoroughly if you want them mixed through.

mixed berries
I would recommend organic berries and l picked all of the raspberries out of this pack which was the perfect amount.

Remove the base from the freezer and fill with the delicious chocolate mix.

2015-05-22 11.38.54
Look at that colour.

Smooth the top with a spatula ensuring it is nice and even.

2015-05-22 11.38.34
The more berries you add the pinker the colour.

Cover with cling wrap and return to the freezer to set. When you are ready to serve the tart, remove it from the freezer and decorate with extra berries and fruit.

2015-05-22 12.12.19
Made with real whole food ingredients.

Alternatively, cut up the tart and freeze, so that you can have a piece as a snack with some berries and raw dark chocolate.

2014-06-29 11.34.02
Served with frozen berries and a piece of Loving Earth Raw Dark chocolate.

This is a very rich treat and a small piece is very satisfying. The coconut and chocolate are a wonderful combination and this tart is very pleasing to the taste buds.

You can follow me on Instagram at holistic_paleo or on Facebook at Holistic Wellness For Life or Primal Living Melbourne.

Avocado and Chia seed slice.

How about this for a wild flavour combination! The creaminess and goodness of natural avocado with the highly nutritious and texture laden chia seeds. A raw and frozen, high healthy fat snack with a natural sugar kick of raw honey. So simple to make in the food processor and completely made of Whole Foods and completely gluten & dairy free. 

2015-05-11 12.07.57
A creamy and delicious snack


2 cups nuts (activated almonds or similar)

1 cup raw cashews

1/2 cup coconut flakes or shredded coconut

1 large or 2 small avocados

3 tablespoons raw honey

1 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup chia seeds.

Place all ingredients in the blender and process until smooth and creamy.

2015-05-11 10.55.11
I processed a few of the ingredients and then added some more. This will depend on the power of your food processor.
2015-05-11 10.59.31
The coconut oil can be added as a liquid which will help it blend quicker.
2015-05-11 11.15.02
Place into a baking dish lined with paper and smooth out evenly with a spatula. Place in the freezer until firm.
2015-05-11 12.01.23
Remove from the baking dish by lifting the edges of the paper.
2015-05-11 12.02.42
Slice into pieces using a sharp knife.

Return the slice to the freezer and have as desired. The whole process is quick and having these snacks in the freezer is so handy.

2015-05-11 12.27.38
A food processor is a wonderful resource to have in a Paleo kitchen.

I hope you enjoy this raw treat. Eat it mindfully and share the recipe with a friend so that we can spread the wellness message.

You can follow me daily on Instagram at holistic_paleo or on Facebook at Primal Living Melbourne or Holistic Wellness For Life.